Adding and Editing Opportunities (aka Shifts or Events)

Created by Autum Brown, Modified on Wed, 16 Aug 2023 at 02:23 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for site admins. 

What keeps volunteers coming back to your site? Your opportunities, of course! Opportunities are what volunteers can view and respond to on your site. You may also see them called "shifts" or "events". This is how you share how volunteers can get involved with your organization! Volunteers use your site to browse available opportunities, sign up for the ones that interest them, and add their volunteer hours. Here, we cover: 

How to add a new opportunity

The Quickstart button

To get started: 

1. Select the Quickstart button.  

2. Click New opportunity

3. Fill in the details of your new opportunity, like title, start time, etc. 

4. Want to add more options? Click More options to continue personalizing your opportunity! 

5. When you're ready, click Submit

  • Your opportunity is now posted so volunteers can start registering for it! 

So you know: If you marked the opportunity as private, then you must copy the share link for volunteers you want to register to it. 

✏️ Quick tip: When it comes to titles for your opportunities, pick something fun and engaging! 

  • Need some creative inspiration for your titles? Click here

Where the color applies 

The color you pick for your opportunity appears in the Schedule area. This is a great way to differentiate your opportunities on the calendar, especially if you have multiple opportunities scheduled for one day. 

  • The color also applies to the font for the title and time of that opportunity on the front end when volunteers view their calendar. 


When you create an opportunity, you have a few options for setting up the duration. You can set it up to be a one-time opportunity, schedule it for multiple dates, create a repeating opportunity, etc. 

One time opportunity

Does the opportunity last for one day during a specific timeframe? You can set up the start date and the start and end time! 

  • This is great for one-time opportunities, for example, a 5K or Walk-a-Thon set for a certain day and time!

✏️ Quick tip: Does your opportunity run all day? Toggle the button beside All day to On when setting up your opportunity! 

Repeating opportunities

Do you have an opportunity that's going to repeat over a set period of time? You can set up how often the opportunity repeats! 

  • This is great for when you have an opportunity need that happens at the same time on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual basis! 
    • For example, maybe you host a weekly tutoring opportunity during the school months or have a need for volunteers during the spring and summer months to clean up a garden. Whatever the case may be, you can set up your opportunity to fit those needs! 

So you know: You can also follow these steps for adding a new opportunity in the Reporting area!

1. Go to Reporting > Shifts.  

2. Click Add a new opportunity.

  • From there, the process is the same as if you had started with the Quickstart button. 

More options for opportunities

You can personalize your opportunities with the More options button when creating them! This is where you can add an image to the opportunity or add a description to promote excitement for the opportunity! 


Add an image to highlight a specific role or capture the essence of the opportunity! This is a fun way to add another level of personalization for your opportunities! 

1. Click Browse

2. Select the image to upload. 

3. Resize as needed. 

4. Click Submit to finish!  


Want to share additional important details about an opportunity? Maybe you want to describe what roles and responsibilities the volunteer will fill or how the opportunity contributes to your organization's volunteer impact. Whatever additional important information you want to share can be added to the description field! 

Best practice: Don't forget to click Submit to save your changes!



Here is where you establish how many volunteers are needed for the opportunity shift! 

So you know: If you set the capacity to 2, then only two volunteers can register for the shift. You can always change the shift's capacity if needed! 


Let your volunteers know where the opportunity takes place! Start typing the address and when it appears in the dropdown, select it! This adds a pin to the opportunity that volunteers can click on and open up a Google Maps to that location. 


Do you want to keep certain opportunities private so they can only be shared with specific volunteers? You can set it to Private! 

Heads up! If the opportunity is set to private, then it won't display publicly to your volunteers. You can still share a link for that opportunity to the volunteers you want registering for it. 


Tags are a great way to quickly filter for opportunities! Once you've applied a tag to an opportunity, you can then use that tag to search for your opportunities when sending emails, reviewing the schedule, or to filter your reports! 

The volunteer perspective

Here is the volunteer's perspective when viewing your personalized opportunities: 

How to edit an opportunity 

See something that needs fixing? Want to update an opportunity, add an image, include a location, or update the capacity for an opportunity shift? You can always edit an opportunity as needed! 

1. Go to Schedule

2. Select the opportunity shift you want to edit. 

3. Select the edit icon or select the three dots to open your options menu and click Edit

4. Be sure to click Submit when editing the Title, Description, Location, or Privacy status. 

5. When you're done editing, just click the to close the Edit opportunity window.


How to edit specific shift details

If you need to edit specific shift details, like date and time or capacity, just click the date or capacity in the top right of the Edit opportunity window. 

How to duplicate an opportunity

Do you love the set up of an opportunity and want to copy it without recreating it? You can duplicate it! This is a great way to quickly copy over the title and description of that opportunity! You can then edit the date and time, privacy settings, and personalize as needed. 

1. Go to the Schedule area. 

2. Select the opportunity you want to clone. 

3. Click the three dots and select Duplicate.

4. Personalize and update the information for that opportunity. 

5. Click Submit when you're done! 

How to delete an opportunity

Do you need to delete an opportunity? You can always delete an opportunity for whatever reason. 

Best practice: Are you deleting an opportunity that members have registered to? We recommend reaching out to them to let them know of any changes to their schedules.  

  • If you're deleting a repeating opportunity, then you are given the option to delete that shift only, that shift and future shifts, or all past and future shifts. 

  • If you're deleting an opportunity that doesn't repeat, then you are given the option to confirm your selection or cancel. 

Heads up! When you delete an opportunity, all information for that opportunity is deleted—including any submitted hours for it!