❖ Heads up! This article is intended for site admins.
There are a few places on your site where you can manually add new members. The fastest way is through the Quickstart or Members buttons! Want volunteers to register their own accounts? You can share links to your opportunities so they can register themselves! Here we cover:
How to add new members
The Quickstart button
To get started:
1. Select the Quickstart button.
2. Click New Member.
3. Fill out their contract information.
- If you enter a valid email address, you can opt to send an email invite for them to create a password and complete their profile.
- Be sure to toggle the button On beside Send email invite if you want the site to send the notification.
- You can also send them a personalized message!
- This is optional but a great way to introduce yourself or get them excited about your site and volunteer opportunities!
4. Click Submit when you're ready!
The Members button
To get started:
1. Select the Members button.
2. Click the + beside Members at the top of the menu.
3. Fill out their contract information.
4. Click Submit when you're ready!
Add new members from the Reporting area
To get started:
1. Go to Reporting > Members.
2. Click Add new member.
3. Fill out their contract information.
4. Click Submit when you're ready!
Share links for opportunity shifts
Want to invite new members to register their own accounts? You can share links to your opportunity shifts!
1. Go to the Schedule area.
2. Select the shift you want to get a shareable link for.
3. Click Share and then you can select either:
- Share on Facebook
- Share on Twitter
- Copy Link
4. Start sharing your awesome opportunities so that volunteers in your community can register!
ⓘ So you know: You can also share your opportunity shifts from the front end!
1. If you're in the admin view, click View site.
2. Click View details for the shift you want to share.
3. Click the share icon in the top right corner and start sharing out your opportunity shifts!