Archive, Delete, or Edit a Member's Profile

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 1:47 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for site admins. 

While we recommend, and encourage, your members to manage their own profiles, you can update their information on their behalf if needed! Here we cover: 

How to edit a member's profile

To get started: 

1. Click the Members button. 

2. Select the three dots to open the options for the member you need to edit. 

3. Click View profile

4. Here you can update their name and contact information. 

5. Be sure to click Save information to save your changes! 

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • From here, you can review the member's feed, registration history, hours, and schedule! 

How to archive a member 

Do you want to keep data for a member but remove them from filtering and searching? You can archive them! This option is great when you want to remove a member from searches and actions, but keep their data on the site and their profile listed on the member panel. 

1. Click the Members button. 

2. Select the three dots to open the options for the member. 

3. Click Archive member

4. Click Confirm

How to delete a member

Do you want to completely remove a member and their data from your site? You can always delete them if needed! 

Heads up! This action can't be undone! Once deleted, the member must create a new account to regain access to your site. 

1. Click the Members buttons. 

2. Select the three dots to open the options for the member. 

3. Click Delete member

4. Click Confirm